
Our mission

  • To provide ample opportunities for the unfoldment of individual personality of the learners.
  • To train them for good citizenship.
  • To train them for good leadership quality.
  • To inculcate social & moral values.
  • To train them socialistic, secularistic & democratic citizens i.e. our Indian educational aim.
  • To provide congruous infrastructures ample opportunities and congenial learning atmosphere.
  • To inculcate national mind and universal brotherhood.
  • To train them for sociability.
  • To prepare them for life oriented education oriented education which is conducive for problem solving capacity in day today life.
  • To motivate our traditional culture and heritage.

Our Vision

Our P.S.G. Ponnammal College of Education has interested in Professional efficiency of our students. To improve the life’s of downtrodden rural learners of our surroundings. Our College will engage in preparing them for the ever changing global society by providing excellent academic programmes, research works, scholarship and training for leadership qualities.

Goals of the Institution

As stated in our vision we nurture and develop the sense of internal strength to cater to the needs of the society and the students to encourage a sense of internal strength and confidence to face life capacity building to contribute towards national development.

Objectives of the Institution

  • To eliminate illiteracy.
  • To promote education.
  • To develop self esteem and self confidence.
  • Elevation of status of the student teacher in society.
  • Empowerment through education.
  • To have ability to make their own decisions and negotiate.
  • To provide skills for income generation.
  • To prepare them to be good leader.